President: Guy Lemon Secretary/Treasurer: Danielle Dunlop Umpire-in-Chief: Danielle Dunlop Equipment Manager: Guy Lemon Trophies: Lauren Horton Communications & Social Media: Sheri Styles Fundraising Director: Guy Lemon & Danielle Dunlop Canteen: Mary Wilkinson
big Thanks to our coaches!
volunteer opportunities
There are many ways YOU can help us out this season, Please don't be shy! We are looking for;
Canteen Help - Great for student's volunteer hours!
Executive Committee
All coaches and assistant coaches over the age of 18 years must provide DMF with a current Vulnerable Sector Check (police check). Please contact us to make arrangements to either pick up or be mailed a copy of the forms which can then be brought to the Cayuga Detachment of the OPP for processing.